What’s buzzing at the GMRENCEN? Our bees, of course! The GMRENCEN works with the Honey Bee Squad to keep our bees. The Honey Bee Squad checks on the bees periodically to make sure the queen bee is laying eggs and that they have enough space to keep growing. We all...
When LEGOLAND Discovery Center announced a new Michigan location coming to Great Lakes Crossing Outlets back in March 2015, they hinted at a MINILAND featuring Detroit-area buildings and landmarks made from LEGO bricks. Seven months later they launched a contest asking Detroiters to nominate their favorite metro Detroit landmarks. Ultimately,...
The GMRENCEN is home to many businesses, some big companies, and some smaller ones, each offering various services from edible fruit bouquets, to shoe repair. All of the businesses inside the GMRENCEN are unique and have something valuable to offer. Henry Ford OptimEyes is one business that calls the GMRENCEN...
For the past 15 years, the GMRENCEN Wintergarden has been a space for tenants of the building and guests alike to relax, unwind, and have a place to enjoy the beautiful view of the Detroit River. Combined with the delicious food options available in the building, the Wintergarden makes for...
The Detroit People Mover has been a staple of the city of Detroit since it first opened to the public on July 31, 1987. Now almost 30 years later the People Mover is still going strong. The system is made up of 12 driverless vehicles that are automated and computer...
Conversation starters for the next time you ride up one of the building’s 107 elevators. 1. It’s so big that it has its own zip code – 48243. 2. There are roughly 1,500 plants throughout the complex. 3. The GM Plaza on the Detroit Riverfront was dedicated in December 2004....
Detroit is a city. It’s an American icon, a womb for modern-day transportation and the birthplace of music phenomenon’s like Motown and Techno. But it’s also an energy. An energy that’s fueled by its people. Detroit pride is alive and well. And this is what it looks like. @seuong Known...