Tag Archives: General Motors Headquarters



So many couples get engaged, married and have romantic dates right here near the GMRENCEN, and since February is the month of love, we wanted you to share your love stories with us. We asked couples to share their love with the world for the chance to win a prize.


Here are some of our favorite submissions:


“Romance is the language of love. It is the way that you show your partner that you care about them. Every person has their own idea of what they might consider romantic. There is no way to know what is romantic without knowing the person. Romance is created by the feeling that you are genuinely cared about. All romance has one thing in common; it must show the other person that you care enough to find out what is meaningful to them. And after 41 years of discovering what our view of true romance is, it has come to this; being together and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. One of our most favorite is Detroit and all it has to offer along the Riverfront with the Ren Cen being the center of our activities.” -Josephine Rohloff


Before you say “I do,” you have to say, “I will.”


gmrencenlove entry

gmrencenlove facebook entry




“I met my fiancé when I was in my last semester in college. I had already accepted a job at GM, so when we met it was known that I would be moving to the Detroit area. After about a year of long distance, he moved down here with me. Since then Detroit has been a special part of our relationship. We’ve been Detroit Lions season ticket holders for 3 years, and we enjoy coming down during the summer for Tigers games, and even play softball at Belle Isle! So not only is the RenCen my place of work, it’s an icon for our favorite city! So when it came time to do our engagement pictures we knew we had to come downtown and get some pictures with the RenCen. I’m so excited to marry my best friend on 6/3/17!” -Stephanie C.


Saying “I do” is a special moment and we love being a part of your special day!


Married my love in downtown Detroit #gmrencenlove

A post shared by Craig Cook (@craig.cook30) on

What’s love without a little fun?


gmrencenlove facebook entry




Your love doesn’t have to be romantic to be real


Show off your GMRENCEN love! Share your photos with us on Instagram and Twitter using the hashtag #GMRENCENLOVE.

The Ultimate GMRENCEN #TBT

Throwback Thursday is a social media tradition, used by some to embarrass siblings and friends but by others to reminisce on good times. For the GMRENCEN, we use Throwback Thursdays to share archived photos of the building from the early 70’s like a digital time capsule and reflect on a time when we weren’t part of Detroit’s skyline. Take a look back in time with us.

The GMRENCEN project was announced in 1971 and if you’re under 40, you probably don’t know what Detroit looked like before this building was here. Take a look at these throwbacks that show what downtown was like before the GMRENCEN.



The original plans for the GMRENCEN included more buildings than the ones we know today. Take a look these original renderings.



The name was chosen in a contest to name the building and out of 141,537 entries, the name Renaissance Center was chosen.


A final design was decided and construction began on the building in 1973. The building really started taking shape between 1974 and 1975.







In 1976, Tower 100 opened and in 1977 the center tower opened and now holds the Detroit Marriott, which is the tallest hotel skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere.






In 1977, there was a ribbon cutting and a huge party was thrown to celebrate this new Detroit landmark.




Towers 200, 300 and 400 opened by 1977 and Towers 500 and 600 opened in 1981.



Follow the GMRENCEN on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more TBT photos.

What’s your favorite throwback moment about the GMRENCEN? Let us know in the comment section.


GMRENCEN Innovation at Work

Innovation at work img 1

In January, General Motors announced their plan for the transformation of the GMRENCEN into a modern, immersive experience that is a true reflection of GM’s position as a leader in the automotive industry and the city of Detroit. In case you missed the initial announcement, you can visit our previous blog post to read more about the changes involved and view some of the reimagined spaces, through renderings from our partners Neumann Smith Architecture and EWI Worldwide.



The new project kicked off with the closure of the GM Showroom on Friday, July 22, to allow construction to begin. This first step is an update to the central area that will create a more open and inviting gathering space that will become a place to congregate, socialize and discover the world of GM. You’ll be able to experience this new social area in 2017.

The new GM exhibit space will include:

  • Curated stories featuring permanent and rotating exhibits. Visitors can learn about iconic moments in history to GM brands, innovations, design process and culture icons to how GM is creating a better future.
  • Interior updates to the center core area which will include a social gathering space
  • Interactive experiences for visitors to see, touch, hear and engage.

Take a peek at some of the updated renderings below:

Innovation at work img 1

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Innovation at work img 6

During the expansion project, please visit our webpage http://gmrencenwp.wpengine.com/innovationatwork for updated renderings and project details.

What part of the project are you most excited to see come to life?

Discover the Riverfront (In Photos)

When was the last time you took a walk down the Riverfront? If it’s been a while now’s the time to take a stroll and discover something new. The Detroit Experience Factory (DXF) hosts a variety of experiential tours of the city and Discover the Riverfront is one of them. This walking tour is perfect for the budding photographer or Instagram pro as it stops at some of the most beautiful spots in Detroit. The GMRENCEN overlooks the Detroit River and the view can be breathtaking.  If you think you know everything there is to know about Detroit, think again. DXF will share some fun facts along the way that will surprise even the biggest Detroit history buff. If you haven’t had a chance to take the tour, what are you waiting for? Sign up today and unlock some amazing city treasures. Here are some highlights from the tour:

Did you know that Canada has a statue similar to this one on the other side of the river?

Gateway to Freedom Statue on Detroit Riverfront
The Gateway to Freedom Statue

The DXF tour guides share great historical facts about the statues, monuments and art installations that line the riverfront.

Discover details about Detroit landmarks and architecture including the Guardian Building and Hart Plaza.

Horace E. Dodge and Son Memorial Fountain at Hart Plaza
Horace E. Dodge and Son Memorial Fountain at Hart Plaza

We see these buildings all the time in photos and articles but the history behind them will blow your mind!

Learn more about the nature surrounding the Riverfront.

GMRENCEN from park

You can go on a nature walk right on the riverfront and walk through Michigan’s first urban state park.

Impress your friends with all of your newfound knowledge about Detroit.

Landing of Cadillac
Landing of Cadillac

Take in some beautiful scenery.

Views of the GMRENCEN

Snap photos of Michigan’s tallest building.


Play #ISpyGMRC and share your photos of the GMRENCEN with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

These free tours are every Tuesday through October starting at noon. So, grab your walking shoes and a camera and sign up today!

Have you been on a tour of the riverfront? What did you learn? Let us know in the comment section!

3 Ways the Bees at the GMRENCEN are Helping the Planet

What’s buzzing at the GMRENCEN? Our bees, of course! The GMRENCEN works with the Honey Bee Squad to keep our bees. The Honey Bee Squad checks on the bees periodically to make sure the queen bee is laying eggs and that they have enough space to keep growing. We all know that bees make delicious honey but they also play a big role in keeping our planet healthy and beautiful. Here are three ways our bees are making this building, and the earth, a better place:

  1. Bees help our food grow.


    Garden photo

Bees are naturally good workers and they are happily employed here at the GMRENCEN pollinating our rooftop garden to help our tomatoes, peppers and herbs grow. Andiamo then incorporates the fresh harvest into many of their dishes.

  1. Our bees help Detroit’s gardens grow!

    Close up of bees

According to our Honey Bee Squad expert, Francois Faloppa, GMRENCEN bees will fly up to 20 square miles away from their hive which helps make local gardens and flower beds more productive. The bees keep the gardens well pollinated and will help more flowers bloom.

  1. GMRENCEN bees help further support sustainability.

    Francois Bee keeper

During the wintertime, the Honey Bee Squad preps the beehive with insulation to protect it from the harsh weather. We create insulation using plastic shipping trays from the GM Kokomo Operations facility in Indiana. Reusing the shipping trays helps keep waste out of landfills and helps the bees stay nice and warm when it’s cold outside.

For more information about the GMRENCEN’s sustainability efforts, visit: http://gmrencenwp.wpengine.com/about-the-ren-cen/.


When LEGOLAND Discovery Center announced a new Michigan location coming to Great Lakes Crossing Outlets back in March 2015, they hinted at a MINILAND featuring Detroit-area buildings and landmarks made from LEGO bricks.

Seven months later they launched a contest asking Detroiters to nominate their favorite metro Detroit landmarks. Ultimately, those results determined the top ten metro landmarks to be featured in the Detroit LEGO MINILAND.


Belle Isle

Comerica Park

Fox Theatre


Guardian Building

Michigan Central Station

Motown Museum

Spirit of Detroit

The Heidelberg Project

Uniroyal Tire


LEGOLAND Discovery Center Michigan then asked the public to pick one building/landmark from their list of ten to unveil at a special event before open.


Flash forward to today – Tuesday, May 31.

The top voted Detroit landmark – the GMRENCEN.

The special unveiling event – The North American International Auto Show.

And without further ado – the finished product.





296 hours to construct
271 pounds of pure AWESOME
50,172 LEGO bricks in total… unless you ask Bryce



The new LEGOLAND Discovery Center Michigan opened at Great Lakes Crossing Outlets on March 25, 2016.


The top of the 6-foot structure peeking out over the cover.
The top of the 6-foot structure peeking out over the cover.


General Motors announced the purchase of the Renaissance Center for use as its global headquarters on May 16, 1996.


The crowd looks on as LEGOLAND Discovery Center General Manager, Hayley Anderson and GMRENCEN Property Marketing Manager, Kate Hopper say a few words about what the MINILAND model means to Detroit.
The crowd looks on as LEGOLAND Discovery Center General Manager, Hayley Anderson and GMRENCEN Property Marketing Manager, Kate Hopper say a few words about what the MINILAND model means to Detroit.


The removal of the curtain was met with an overwhelming "WHOA" from the crowd.
The removal of the curtain was met with an overwhelming “WHOA” from the crowd.


LEGO Minifigure lunch rush in the GM Wintergarden.
LEGO Minifigure lunch rush in the GM Wintergarden.

Fun fact: LEGO people will eventually outnumber the human population.


Ten-year-old LEGO expert , Bryce B. posing with LEGOLAND Model Builder, Derek Chock.
Ten-year-old LEGO expert , Bryce B. posing with LEGOLAND Model Builder, Derek Chock.


The LEGO brick GMRENCEN will be on display in Hall D at the North American Auto Show now through January 24.
The LEGO brick GMRENCEN was on display at the North American Auto Show earlier this year.


Shout out to everyone who voted for the GMRENCEN and to LEGOLAND Discovery Center Michigan for making it a reality. Mark your calendars to see all ten Detroit landmarks/buildings featured in a MINILAND miniature LEGO brick display.


We know Bryce will be there.


Go check out the LEGO GMRENCEN model today! LEGOLAND is open Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., last entry is 7 p.m. Saturday it’s open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., last entry is at 7 p.m. and Sunday it’s open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., last entry is at 4 p.m. Starting June 20, LEGOLAND will be open Monday-Friday at 9 a.m. If you want to visit LEGOLAND but don’t have any little ones, Adult Night is the last Thursday of every month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Have you been to LEGOLAND Discovery Center yet? Enter to win four free passes to see the LEGO version of the GMRENCEN!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

9 Random Facts About the GMRENCEN

GM Renaissance Center

Conversation starters for the next time you ride up one of the building’s 107 elevators.



1. It’s so big that it has its own zip code – 48243.


2. There are roughly 1,500 plants throughout the complex.

GMRENCEN Wintergarden


3. The GM Plaza on the Detroit Riverfront was dedicated in December 2004.


4. The name “GM Renaissance Center” was chosen in a contest to name the building, 141,537 entries were submitted.


GM Renaissance Center


5. The Detroit Marriott has 1,298 guest rooms.


6. The GM Wintergarden was once a parking garage, swimming pool and fitness center.


7. Each glass panel used to build the Circulation Ring weighs in at 400 pounds.


GMRENCEN Circulation Ring


8. In 2015, almost 60 tons of the building’s food waste was composted and re-purposed.


9. On windy days the building can sway up to thirty inches.







8 Detroit Instagrams that Embody the Spirit of the City

Detroit is a city. It’s an American icon, a womb for modern-day transportation and the birthplace of music phenomenon’s like Motown and Techno. But it’s also an energy. An energy that’s fueled by its people. Detroit pride is alive and well. And this is what it looks like.



Known for: Scenery, interesting perspectives




Known for: Portraits, action shots




Known for: Scenery


His work even landed him a billboard deal with 1800 Tequila.



Known for: Scenery, filters




Known for: Photo manipulation




Known for: Scenery




Known for: Scenery, portraits




Known for: Scenery, action shots


Tell us who your favorite Detroit Instagramers are in the comments section. Don’t forget to follow @GMRENCEN on Instagram, and tag us in your photos.